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Amethyst yoni egg


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Amethyst yoni egg

The amethyst yoni egg is designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, increase vaginal tone and sensitivity, and boost libido. By using the yoni egg, we strengthen the body’s orgasmic sensations, get in better touch with our feminine energy and open up possibilities for new pleasures.

Crystals have a high and variable vibration, with each crystal having its own specific energetic properties. Amethyst is a calming, emotion-regulating, stress-relieving stone that can help you get better sleep and get more in touch with your own chakra. It dissolves fears, brings relaxation and helps to see situations more clearly, among other things, it is also a well-known clairvoyant stone. Throughout history, amethyst has also been held in high esteem by rulers, monks and priests, and has been used to decorate crowns and make various magical potions, with the purple hue always associated with royalty.


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