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Soov aidata inimestel olla rohkem kontaktis iseendaga ja oma väega, samuti soov ise inimesena areneda ja ruumihoidjana oma teekonda alustada. 🙂 Desire to help people to be more in contact with themselves and their power, also my own personal growth as a human and begin my path as a space holder. 🙂

Kundalini jooga // Kundalini yoga


23/11/2023 - 23/11/2024    


Bookings closed



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Üha enam inimesi esitab küsimusi: Kes ma olen? miks ma olen? kust ma tulen? kuhu ma lähen? Paraku leiab vastuseid nendele küsimustele vaid enda seest, läbi isikliku kogemise.

Olemuslikult on jooga suhe (ingl.k. relationship).
Mõiste “jooga” juured on pärit sanskriti keelest (“jugit”) ja tõlkes tähendab see ühendust (ühendumine millegagi). Läbi jooga ühendatakse individuaalne teadvus Universaalse Teadvusega. See on tehnoloogia, mis annab sulle tööriistad, mille abil tulla kohale, ühenduda iseenda ja kõrgema teadvusega, kus on võimalik leida nii nendele kui ka paljudele teistele küsimustele vastused. Lisaks vastustele ja enese avastamisele annab jooga ka hea tervise, selge meele ja hingerahu. 🙂

Joogide poolt aastatuhandete vältel välja töötatud kundalini jooga tehnoloogia on pärit Indiast. Kundalini jooga jõudis läände läbi Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji (Yogi Bhajan, PhD) 1969. aastal. Kõik joogaliigid on väga head, küsimus on selles, milline joogaliikidest just sulle kõige paremini sobib. On öeldud, et erinevad joogaliigid on nagu teemandi erinevad tahud. Kundalini jooga on teemant ise, sest ta ühendab endas kõikide teiste joogaliikide erinevad küljed. Kundalini jooga on intensiivsem ja dünaamilisem, hõlmates endasse füüsilisi harjutusi (kriyad), hingamistehnikat (pranayama), kehaasendeid (asanad), kätehoiakuid (mudrad), loitsimist (mantrad), lõdvestusi ja meditatsioone.


More and more people are asking questions such as: Who am I? Why am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go? Apparently the answers for these questions can only be found within oneself, through personal experience.

Essentially, yoga is a relationship.
The roots of the term “yoga” come from the Sanskrit language (“jugit”) which in translation means connection (connecting with something). Through yoga, the individual consciousness is connected to the Universal Consciousness. It is a technology that gives you tools to get there, connect with yourself and the higher consciousness where you can find answers to so many other questions. In addition to answers and self-discovery, yoga also provides good health, a clear mind, and peace. 🙂

Developed by yogis over millennia, the technology of kundalini yoga comes from India. Kundalini Yoga came to the West through Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi (Yogi Bhajan, PhD) in 1969. All types of yoga are very good, the question is which one suits you best. It has been said that different types of yoga are like different facets of a diamond. Kundalini yoga is a diamond itself because it combines different aspects of all other types of yoga. Kundalini yoga is more intense and dynamic, incorporating physical exercises (kriyas), breathing techniques (pranayama), postures (asanas), hand positions (mudras), chanting (mantras), relaxation and meditation.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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