DISCLAIMER: SILUS Calendar is now available! Creators can add events and services, and customers can start buying tickets and booking events from 05.02.2024

SILUS is a community website where you can sell your handmade goods, products, crafts, art, written word, and offer your events directly to buyers and participators around the world. 

We want to make sure that you as a creator and your buyers have a safe, positive experience on SILUS’ platform and that you’re feeling like a part of our community.

Please read on to find out more about your rights, as well as what is expected of you, as a creator.

This policy is a part of our general Terms of Use.
By onboarding to be our creator, you’re agreeing to this policy, alongside our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, here.

Selling basics on SILUS:
1. What can be sold on SILUS

*What materials can be used?

  1. What can’t be sold on SILUS

*What materials we don’t support

*Which items we don’t support

3.  Managing your Creator profile and webshop

4. Creator Standards

*Content picture standards

*Product quality standards

5. Our Fees
*Your payments

Being a Creator on the SILUS Community
6. Creating and uploading Content (webshop, blog, events)

7. Privacy and any personal information

8. Communication standards
*E-mail messaging with clients

  1. Shipping
    *Communicating cancellations, refunds and returns
  2. Feedback and your Success
    *Feedback from clients
    *Your Creator profile and our Terms

This policy was published on 24th of June 2023.

By creating your Creator’s profile with us (either on shop, events or blog page), you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use.

Selling basics on SILUS:
1. What can be sold on SILUS’ platform
SILUS is a unique marketplace in Estonia.
Our buyers come here to purchase items that they might not find anywhere else, besides creators’ own websites.

Everything listed for sale on SILUS’ Shop must be artistic, handmade, vintage, owned by your brand, designed or crafted by You yourself.
All handmade items (items labeled as ‘handcrafted’) should be made and/or designed by you, personally.

The SILUS Events should be either organized by you, or you should have a legal right to promote the events and sell tickets to them yourself.

All the written word in SILUS Blog needs to be your own, authentic-as-possible, expression of your creativity and not copied from the internet. 

If you sell handmade items in the SILUS shop, you agree that:

  1. All handmade items (in the ‘handicraft’ item category) are made and/or designed by you.
    If you work with a production partner or a third party to offer your product, you must disclose that production partner in your product description on the product’s page as well.

  2. Be sure you describe all the relevant people involved in the making of an item in your shop, in your product description section, if this does apply to you.

  3. You are using your own photographs or video content for product photos – not stock photos, artistic renderings, or photos used by other sellers or sites.

    AI generated images might not be accurate enough in similarity to be used as product pictures (unless you’re specifically selling AI art), so let’s not use AI generated product content on SILUS if you offer physical items for sale. 

Read more about how to take great product photos, here:Product pic guide – ENG

If you are selling personalized or custom-order items that are handmade or tailored to a client’s exact wishes, you agree that:

  1. All products that you’re posting to the shop are available for purchase at the price set for it.

  2. If you are using product photos of works you have done for previous clients, with different options for customisation (like color choices, size, embellishment) available for the product, it is clear in your product description that the photos shown are just examples and that they can choose between multiple options.
    You should also let the clients know what their options are when filling out the information on the submission form when uploading your custom-order product on SILUS.

We encourage you to be transparent about how your craft supplies were made and where your materials come from. Your clients probably would love to know!

You can disclose whether your items have made any social or environmental impact, such as them being organic, recycled, plastic-free and more.

*What materials can be used on SILUS:
Pretty much every material, aside from non-recyclable plastic and toxic materials, can be used on SILUS.

Your materials can be:
Metal: Gold, Silver, Titanium, Stainless steel and so on.
Recycled materials: Plastic, Rubber, Glass, Paper, Aluminium
Ceramics, which includes concrete or hempcrete
Cloth or textiles
Any natural materials
Crystal & Rock

2. What can’t be Sold on SILUS
There are some prohibited items, crafting materials and services that are not allowed to be sold on SILUS, you can find them listed here in this Prohibited Items and Services list here: Prohibited Items and Services

Any item that violates our Intellectual Property Policy in any way is not allowed to be sold on SILUS either.

All products in our webshop must offer an item for sale (which includes digitally delivered items, and can also include reserved or custom-made items).
You may not create a product in the SILUS shop, events or blog for the purpose of sharing a referral code, a digital subscription outside of SILUS (for example, OnlyFans), posting an Ad, or any activity that doesn’t offer a physical or digital item for sale.

Bulk reselling is not allowed in the ‘handicraft’ category in SILUS.
Reselling refers to describing a product/item as ‘handmade’ when you were not actually involved in designing or making that item, but bought it from somewhere else and sold it without doing any modifications to the original yourself.
Bulk selling your brand’s products in other categories on SILUS’ webshop is fine, for example, crystals, ritual clothing, ritual items and more.
We don’t expect you to source your own crystals.

Keep in mind that our fellow creators, clients or even third parties, may flag products, events and posts that appear to violate our policies or infringe someone’s intellectual policy rights.
SILUS may remove any listings that violate our policies.
Note that our listing fees (when they apply to you) are non-refundable by SILUS.

SILUS may also temporarily suspend and/or terminate your Creator profile and account access for any violations.
We will still charge you for any ongoing payment subscriptions (marketing subscription) until the current payment term is over and all outstanding fees are either deducted or paid to us directly, if there are any.
You can find more information in our Our Fees section in this document, below.

If you are raising money on behalf of a charity, you must obtain that charity’s consent before selling your products for charity – they should be aware that you’re affiliated with us.
Then, we encourage you to mention this and the charity donation proceeding % in your product description as well (for each product).

*What materials we don’t support
SILUS shop does not allow materials that are harmful to our environment:
Plastic that can’t be recycled, including microplastics.
Please note that recycled plastic is allowed.
Read more here about the types of plastic that can’t be recycled and thus isn’t allowed on SILUS.
Toxic materials and chemicals. Please note this is for the safety and health of you and our buyers. 

*Which items we don’t support
We don’t support any prohibited items that are mentioned here.

A brief list of what it includes:
Smokeless tobacco products or tobacco products in general

Narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances that are illegal in the country
Medicinal products containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.
Whole blood or blood components.
Anabolic steroids
Tissues or cells used for medical purposes
Advanced therapy medicinal products
Firearms and essential components
Ammunition and components thereof
Tear and nerve gas canisters
Inert explosive devices and ammunition and their copies, including, for example, inert grenades and shells and their copies
Radioactive substances
Toxic substances
Meat and dairy products
Any imported goods originating in Crimea or Sevastopol
Medicines ordered online
Any consumer goods with counterfeit trademarks such as clothing, shoes, watches, etc.
Any pirated goods, including pirated copies on CDs, DVDs, video and audio cassettes, etc.

You can find prohibited services that we don’t support here:Prohibited Items and Services

3. Managing your Creator profile and webshop
Your shop represents you and your business to the whole SILUS community.
It’s important that you, your items and your shop are honestly and accurately represented.
You can edit your profile and shop product, blog post, event descriptions at any time to make sure information is accurate and up to date. 

By posting anything SILUS, you agree that you will:

  1. Provide honest, accurate information to us and the client in all descriptions and in your Creator’s profile.

  2. Honor your own webshop/website policies, if you have your own site, social media and/or webshop up and running outside of SILUS.

  3. Ensure that all of your content, such as any text, photo or video used to represent yourself, your shop or your product, piece of writing or event/gathering you’re hosting, is in accordance with all SILUS policies.

  4. Accurately represent your items, services and events in the shop, our events page and in our social media channels, as we use your content there for marketing purposes, as agreed upon in this contract.

  5. Respect the intellectual property of others. If you feel someone has violated your intellectual property rights, you can report it directly to us first by reporting an issue from the Creators Space Admin panel. 

  6. Not engage in fee avoidance. Please pay your taxes!
    SILUS is not liable in any form for any consequences that might result from you not paying or reporting your taxes to the local governing agency.

  7. Not create duplicate Creator profiles (shop, blog, events pages) or take any other action (such as manipulating clicks, baskets or sales) for the purpose of manipulating search, your visibility, your profits or circumventing SILUS policies.

  8. Not coordinate pricing with other sellers.
    Neither can you sell anything on SILUS with a different price (lower or higher) than on your personal website, web store, social media or any other channels, which might cause clients to avoid our site in favor of some external site, including your own.
    If you’re having a sale on your website, please adjust your products, events and blog posts on SILUS platform accordingly, as the clients might otherwise feel suspicious, cheated or confused.

  9. Promise that you don’t use any discriminative, offensive, sexual, drug-related or simply irrelevant language anywhere on the site, as we don’t affiliate ourselves with this type of behavior.
    You can find our prohibition policy here.

4. Our Creator Standards
By posting anything on SILUS you understand and agree that you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations for the products you list for sale, including any required labels and warnings, especially when you’re offering ingestible, health or beauty related products or services.

SILUS assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, labeling, or content of your listings. SILUS takes no liability over promised effects of the product if it isn’t as described in the product or service description, as we don’t craft or ship the products ourselves.
Please read our general Terms of Use to be aware when and why clients may return your product and get a refund.
If a product is refunded, it will not be listed on your payout invoice afterwards..

Meeting our Standards:
As a creator, you must provide great customer service where necessary (when communicating with a client directly) and maintain trust with your buyers. These requirements are called ‘SILUS Standards’.
SILUS may reach out to you if your shop fails to meet our standards or if your Creator profile or product feedback falls under 3 stars out of 5. 

Clients have an option to leave you feedback after their purchase, so please be mindful of that.
In the worst case scenario, we might have to suspend your account if your profile receives low reviews and is not remedied in a timely manner, or low reviews become a frequent occurrence.

By posting on SILUS, you agree to:

  1. Honor your product/service stock amount, dispatching time and processing times.
    You are obligated to dispatch an item or otherwise complete a transaction with a buyer in a prompt manner. Please be aware that legal requirements for dispatch times vary by country and different parcel machines can have different arrival times, which need to be communicated to the client via our website.
    Read more in our general Terms of Use.

  2. Respond to messages in a timely manner (1-2 business days), either the ones that SILUS sends for accepting the client order, or then to clients directly.

  3. Honor the commitments you make in your Creator profile or in any descriptions you post on SILUS.

  4. Resolve disagreements or order issues directly with the buyer, if they email you about an issue.
    In the unlikely event that you can’t reach a resolution, please reach out to us as we need to comply with our Terms of Use for either providing them a new, good conditioned product (in case of a defect or breakage) or then refund the payment from our side, within 14 days.
    If this happens, then SILUS  reserves the right to not pay you for the product that was returned, or until the client receives a new, well conditioned product in case of a defect or breakage.
    SILUS has the right to take 30 days to pay out to you for a product, when a defective product was sent out and later exchanged for a functional one.
    We need to be aware when this happens and how the issue was resolved, so we’d know if the product should be on your monthly payout statement or not.

  5. If you are unable to complete an order or offer event tickets/event participation, you need to reject the order request and be aware that the payment will be refunded to the customer. Please note that this action will remove the item or event from SILUS website until the rejection reason has been cleared up.
    If you accept an order, you take full responsibility for being able to complete it and ship it out in the promised timeline. If for some reason you can’t, then it’s your responsibility to notify the client of the delay and provide a new and accurate timeline.
    If for some reason you have to cancel the order or event/gathering later in its entirety, we will refund the client and let them know why they were refunded.
    If this happens often, your account may be suspended.

5. Our Fees
As a creator, you can earn money by:
Selling products, arts and crafts in the shop.
Selling tickets to events, workshops, gatherings and your services in the events section.
Charging to read for full written content on the blog, on the post-by-post basis.

There are commission fees associated with selling products, events and blog posts that we deduct from your final payout invoice for all the sales you made that month.

Our commission fees:
Our commission fee is the main fee we take to keep our website running and pay our team’s invoices. This helps to keep SILUS running.

Our commission fees apply to everything sold on our platform, explained in detail below in this table.

The commission fee is taken off from the sum of all products sold during one calendar month.
Products are divided into categories by the space where they’re sold: shop, blog and events.




  • Commission fee of 10% from all sold goods per calendar month

  • Free: 10 active products listed on site;

    • Then, 11+ products, listing fee 0.11€ per product

  • Commission fee of 10% of all written content that is purchased in one month

  • 10% per all tickets sold on the SILUS site in one month

  • Free: 5 active events listed on site;

    • Then, 5+ events, listing fee 0.22€ per product

Our listing fees:
For the SILUS Shop, there is a fee of 0.11€ for listing products/services in the shop. This fee applies only after you already have at least 10 active products in the shop.
If you have 10 or less products, there is no listing fee.

For SILUS events, you can list 5 events for free without a listing fee.
If you have 5+ active events listed at the same time, then there is a fee of 0.22€ which applies per every additional event added.

Our services:
Creators can also purchase some of SILUS’ own marketing services (listed in our shop section) for a monthly fee, if they wish to have additional visibility on SILUS social media and more additional marketing benefits, that will boost their presence with the community’s following and most likely also contribute to their outreach to possible clients and thereby has a chance to impact the creators sales as well.

If you wish to use our marketing services every month, continuously, the marketing product should be purchased every month from our shop, until we move to a monthly recurring subscription based approach later when SILUS continues growing.

You can purchase our monthly subscription products from our Pricing page, which is here.

Creators will be paid for their sold goods, event tickets sold and blog post revenue once per calendar month, in EUR to their business bank account IBAN, that we’ve collected from you in accordance with local Data Regulation laws.

You’ll get paid to your local EUR bank account, that belongs to your business.
If you don’t have a business account yet, we suggest using LHV’s entrepreneur account to make paying taxes more convenient, or create a business account elsewhere.
We can’t pay your funds to a bank account that is not in your business’ name.

You’ll be paid based on the invoice our system has put together from your monthly sales on SILUS platform, per the earnings from shop, event and blog categories.
All SILUS commission and listing fees (if applicable) will be deducted from the respectable site category revenue before your payout, clearly for you to see on your monthly payout invoice we send to your email address.
You’ll see how much you made in the shop/events/blog space, minus SILUS commission fees. . If you have any active marketing subscriptions with SILUS then we will deduct the cost for this before payout.

EUR bank transfers arrive to your EUR IBAN in 1-2 business days, this is the average bank transfer arrival time in SEPA.
We need you to choose your preferred payout date from our existing options while filling the onboarding form. Our accountant will prepare the bank transfer and  invoice by your given date.

Being a Creator on SILUS Community

In the SILUS community, everyone is expected to treat other Creators and members of the community with respect.

As a Creator, you have additional responsibilities to safeguard personal information and communicate promptly with buyers, where necessary, in order to provide a great customer experience.

Creators are encouraged to collaborate on their crafts and elevate each other’s offers. 

  1. Creating and Uploading Content
    You can create and upload a variety of content for your product listings, events and blog posts.
    In order to keep our community safe and respectful, you agree that you will not upload any content to our website that:

  1. Contains hateful or derogatory language or imagery, or any content that could be alluding to hate-speech, any sort of discrimination, sexism, drug-use or sexual services.

  2. Contains threats, harassment, extortion, or violates our policies;

  3. Violates someone else’s intellectual property rights;

  4. Is false, deceptive, or misleading;

  5. Contains any unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations, or spam;

  6. Contains private information, whether it is your own, a client’s, or someone else’s;

  7. Encourages or facilitates a transaction that evades SILUS checkout process unless we’ve mutually agreed to subvert the checkout process to your own website;

  8. Contains prohibited medical drug claims or unprovable health benefit claims;

  9. Violates any of the rules described in our Prohibited Items Policy.

  1. Privacy and Protecting Personal Information
    You are responsible for protecting Creator’s  and clients’ personal information you receive or process, and you must comply with all relevant legal requirements, which you can find here.

    This includes applicable data protection and privacy laws that govern the ways in which you can use SILUS’ customer information.
    These laws require that you post and comply with your own privacy policy, which must be accessible to the SILUS users with whom you interact, for example, if you have your own website and webshop as well.
    Your privacy policy must be compatible with this policy and SILUS’ own Terms of Use, which you can find here: https://silus.community/en/purchase-and-privacy-policy/.

When you sell your products, events and blog posts by using our Services (which are subject to this Policy) you receive customer information to fill orders.
This information is confidential to you and SILUS’ team and should be used when providing a service or product to the customer, or sending communication to them around the order. 
This means you process personal information (for example, the buyer’s name, email address, and delivery address) and so under EU law, you are seen as an independent controller of data relating to other users’ data that you may have obtained through providing the Services.
For more information on the General Data Protection Regulation, see more resources at https://gdpr-info.eu and http://gdprandyou.ie.

As you are a data controller to the extent that you process user personal information outside of the Services, you may be required under applicable data protection and privacy laws to honor requests received from such users for data access, portability, correction, deletion, and objections to processing.

If you disclose personal information without the buyer’s proper consent, you are responsible for that unauthorized disclosure.
This includes, for example, disclosures you make or unintentional data breaches.
For example, you may receive a buyer’s email address or other information as a result of entering into a transaction with that buyer.
This information may only be used for SILUS-related communications or for SILUS-facilitated transactions.
You may not use this information for unsolicited commercial messages or unauthorized transactions.
Without the buyer’s consent, and subject to other applicable SILUS policies, you may not add any SILUS Creators to your email or physical mailing list without their consent, use that buyer’s identity for marketing, or obtain or retain any payment information.
Please bear in mind that you’re responsible for knowing the standard of consent required in any given instance.

If SILUS  and you are found to be joint data controllers of personal information, and if SILUS is sued, fined, or otherwise incurs expenses because of something that you did in your capacity as a joint data controller of buyer personal information, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold SILUS (and its employees, mentors, partners, affiliates) harmless against any claims, costs, losses, damages, liabilities, judgements and expenses (including reasonable lawyer fees) in connection with your processing of buyer personal information.

For more information, please see our Privacy Policy part here:https://silus.community/en/purchase-and-privacy-policy/.

8. Communication Standards
E-mail messaging:
You have the ability to communicate directly with your buyers, if the situation requires it.
SILUS will try to keep the messaging between you and the client to the minimum, but in some cases, it might be necessary.

E-mail messages are a great way for buyers to ask you questions about an item or an order or let you know if they’re unhappy with the quality and the condition of the product they received, ask for a return, or wish to leave you some personal feedback.

The communication with the client should be done via e-mail or any digital written format so it can be forwarded to us or used as proof, in case it’s needed.

E-mail messages may not be used for the following activities:

  1. Sending unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations or spam to clients;

  2. Harassing or abusing another Creator or a client, or violating our Policies;

  3. Contacting someone after they have explicitly asked you not to (also applies to newsletters);  

  4. Interfering with a transaction or the business of another Creator or client;

  5. Exchanging personal contact, financial or other information for the purposes of evading the checkout process, including phone number, address, email, social media handles, external URLs, instructions for money transfer, etc.

E-mail messages should be used specifically for custom-order related communication or for sending a client more information, for example when a client has specific wishes and needs, they ask about how to take care of a product or they need to bring something to an event.

Also, when a dispute has risen and you’d need to solve it in a timely manner (client expresses the wish for the return of goods, has received defective or damaged goods, the client didn’t take the package out of the parcel machine in time and needs it to be delivered again or anything of this sort), e-mail messaging would be the best option to resolve it.
When it comes to any disputes, however, SILUS should be notified by forwarding us the e-mail or CCing us in the email correspondence.

When the client wishes to send you personal feedback, they might reach out to you via email, although we encourage them to leave you feedback through SILUS.

Interference occurs when a Creator intentionally interferes with another Creator’s shop or product in order to drive away their business.
Interference is strictly prohibited on the SILUS platform.

Examples of interference include:

  1. Contacting another Creator or client via e-mail or other sources to warn them away from a particular Creator, shop, or item;

  2. Posting in public areas to demonstrate or discuss a dispute with another Creator;

  3. Purchasing something for the sole purpose of leaving a negative review;

  4. Posing as an independent client to maliciously add to another Creator’s negative reviews in order to position those reviews more prominently.

Harassment and Discrimination:
Any use of our platform or e-mail communication to harass other Creators is strictly prohibited.
Similarly, our platform may not be used to support or glorify hatred or otherwise violate our Policies.

If you receive a message or notice something on our site that violates this policy, please let us know right away.

9. Shipping
We support using Estonian parcel machines or the Omniva postal service to ship your goodies out to the customers.

Locally, the parcel machines are the fastest and most comfortable option for many, and we support Omniva, DPD and Itella SmartPost.
All of the parcel machines have their respective locations all over Estonia and the parcel machine providers have their own estimated time or parcel’s arrival as well.
Generally, DPD and Itella SmartPost are the fastest parcel services, with Omniva having delays here or there.

When onboarding to SILUS, you can choose between three parcel machine options, which you’d be using for posting your client’s packages.
Depending on what you chose, we suggest being informed about their delivery times.

Omniva: https://www.omniva.ee/era/pakk/tarneajad
DPD: https://www.dpd.com/ee/et/tarneajad/
Itella SmartPost: https://www.smartpost.ee/pakkide-saatmine/pakkide-liikumise-graafik

Some parcel companies also support delivering to outside of Estonia, in the EU.
In those cases, where your client is from outside of Estonia, you might have to communicate the delivery of the package via email and find the best delivery option. 

Itella SmartPost offers the opportunity to send packages to Finland or the rest of the EU: https://www.smartpost.ee/paki-saatmine-euroopasse.

Omniva Postal Service can also help you send a package abroad: https://www.omniva.ee/era/pakk/kuidas_pakki_saata_valismaale.

Sending packages abroad for an extra fee is to be communicated via e-mail between the client and the Creator right now.

The shipping fee abroad can then be paid to the Creator’s business bank account directly by the client, if they have reached an agreement.

Communicating cancellations, refunds and returns
All cancellations, returns and refunds are subject to our General Terms of Use and its cancellation and return Policies.

Please be aware that in addition to this policy, each country has its own laws surrounding delivery, cancellations, returns and exchanges.
Please familiarize yourself with the laws of your own country and those of your buyers’ countries. For Estonia you can find them here.

You are encouraged to keep proof of any cancellation, refund or return requests from the client in the event a dispute arises, and forward them to us in 1-2 business days.

If you are unable to complete an order, then the order must be Rejected after you receive an order notification from SILUS.
If you’ve accepted the order but due to some circumstance can’t deliver it at all, or the delivery is delayed, you must notify the buyer via email and let them know.
The client needs to be aware of the delivery time of their order, or if their order is going to be canceled.

If you need to cancel the transaction in cases where the buyer already sent SILUS payment, you must let us know immediately, so we could issue a full refund through our payment processor, Maksekeskus AS.

If a product cancellation after the client has sent us the payment and you’ve accepted the order happens too often, your account may be suspended.

In case you need to cancel an order, you can still work toward a resolution with the buyer as you see fit, provided that SILUS is notified about the conflict resolution process.
You should be able to resolve disagreements or order issues directly with the buyer, if they email you about an issue, and then let us know if our assistance is needed.

European Union Right of Withdrawal Buyers in the European Union (EU), and in parallel buyers in the UK, may be entitled to a 14-day “right of withdrawal” after receiving an item, during which they may return an item for any reason.
The details of this right vary by EU member states.
The right of withdrawal may not apply to certain items like custom-order items or perishable goods.
The return after the purchase of digital items isn’t possible on the SILUS platform either.

In the unlikely event that a client notified you about a return personally and you can’t reach a resolution, please reach out to us as we need to comply with our Terms of Use for either providing them a new, good conditioned product (in case of a defect or breakage being the return reason) or then refund the payment from our side, within 14 days.

If there’s been an issue communicated to you directly by the client, like a wish for product’s return (for any reason; product breakage, product dysfunction or it not meeting the standards as described on your product’s description) and it’s not communicated to SILUS within 14 days of you receiving the client’s e-mail, which is the time-frame for us to issue the client a refund, then SILUS is not financially liable for any legal claims and disputes that might arise from this.

If this happens, then any legal fees that we might incur from the need to resolve and legal claims when a client has reached out to Tarbijakaitse or any other EU agency that covers their rights as a client, shall be covered by you.

We are not liable for any disputes that arise due to information that affects SILUS or our clients’ and their rights not being sent to us by a Creator in a timely manner (1-2 business days), when it comes to any refunds, cancellations or returns.

Please make sure you’re aware of the client’s return rights by reading the relevant articles here: https://www.ttja.ee/eraklient/tarbija-oigused/tarbija-oigused-ja-kohustused.
If in any doubt, please forward any such messaging to us or CC us in your client communication, so we’d be aware of what is happening and can step in where necessary to avoid

If a product needs to be returned to you and swapped out due to quality or breakage reasons, then we reserve the right to not pay you for the product that was returned to you by the client, or until the client receives a new, good conditioned product.
This can happen in case of a defect or breakage of the product at the arrival of the parcel, when the client picks it up from the parcel machine.
As soon as the client picks up the parcel, the liability of the product’s condition is the client’s responsibility, provided that the product was intact and didn’t have any defects.

SILUS has the right to take 30 days to pay out to you for a product, when a defective product was initially sent out and was later exchanged for a functional one.
In these cases, you only receive one payment – for the functional product.

SILUS doesn’t cover or pay you back for the parcel machine fee, or any other additional fees incurred from the process of you needing to exchange a broken or disfunctional product with a new one.

It’s fully your responsibility to make sure that the product the client receives is exactly as described in the product description on your Creator’s profile on SILUS platform; it’s not broken or in any way defective or has any other issues that could stop the client from using it, as the product is described to be used.

We need to be aware when this situation happens and how the issue was resolved, so we’d know if the product that was sent back and swapped out for a new one should be on your monthly payout statement or not.

If the client wishes to return the product for any reason, they have 14 days to let us/you know about it.

If a product is sent back to you (return fee is carried by the client) then the product’s revenue won’t reflect on your monthly invoice, as the product was returned and there’s no revenue.
If this happens and the client reaches out to you about it instead of SILUS, then we need to know promptly as well.

If we’re not notified about the return of a product by the client with the aim of refund, during the refund period (14 days) and we can’t promptly pay out the refund to the client due to non or miscommunication from your side, you are liable to pay us back for any legal fees incurred by this action, if they apply to us.

In case the product has a deficiency, the client can legally reach out to us with their claim and ask for a refund or a new product, for two years.

SILUS would then have to make sure if the product was faulty or not, and when the fault came to be. If it was caused by the client (for example, mishandling, incorrect upkeep or maintenance of the item), we won’t have to comply with the request.

However, if it turns out that the product had a fault already when it was received, then we have the right to reserve and remove the product’s price (either full price or partially) from your next monthly invoice, as we’d have to pay the client back.

Please be sure you’re aware of the client’s right to return products, here:

  1. Feedback and your Success on SILUS
    Customer’s feedback
    Feedback is a great way for you to build a reputation and attract more potential buyers.
    Buyers can leave a review, including a one to five star rating and a photograph or a few of their purchase, after they’ve received their product, participated in your event or read your blog.

On the rare occasion you receive an unfavorable review from a client, you can reach out to the buyer via their email, if you wish.

If you’d like to reach out to the client and see what can be done to improve your feedback or their happiness, your response to reviews should not:

  1. Contain graphic, mature, or obscene language or imagery, or any content that is against our Policies.

  2. Be about things outside the your control, such as a delivery company, SILUS or a third party that helped you provide the service or product, for example, shifting blame or negativity to other parties involved;

In addition, you should not participate in shilling or otherwise falsely inflate your own product’s or Creator’s feedback score or undermine the integrity of the feedback system in any way.

Be aware that if your product’s or Creator’s profile feedback falls under 3 stars, SILUS has the right to remove the product from our website, if the feedback continues to be low after we’ve reached out to you and notified you about this.

If this happens consistently or the feedback about your Creator’s profile in general is lower than 3 stars, then we reserve the right to suspend your account on the SILUS platform.
Your account can be reactivated after a performance review process.
If this happens, then we’ll notify you in 1-5 business days about your account’s deactivation and further steps, if we’re legally permitted to do so.

If we can come to an agreement and a solution for increasing your feedback and our client’s happiness, we might be able to reinstate your Creator’s profile, but we reserve the right to not reactivate your account if we think it to be necessary.

Your Creator’s profile and SILUS’ Terms
In order to keep SILUS safe and improve our Services, we may take actions that limit the visibility of your Creators profile, product, event or blog listings, or that impact your monthly payments from SILUS.

In the event that your shop has unusual or suspicious order activity, or we otherwise believe that your actions or products, events or blog posts may result in client disputes, a high amount of cancellation or refund claims, increased risk of fraud, counterfeiting, or other such claims, SILUS may take actions such as limiting visibility of your account, placing reserves on your monthly payouts or suspend/terminate your SILUS account, in accordance with our Terms of Use, including this Policy.

When appropriate and permitted by law, SILUS will communicate information to you about the issue.

If your shop, events page or blog sees an unusual spike in orders, particularly in a high demand category, your Creators profile and products may see an increase or decrease in its search and visibility ranking.
Often, if a Creator’s profile has an increase in fulfilled orders and good reviews, this may result in higher visibility on our platform and our social media channels.

In addition, we may limit the visibility of your products, events, blog posts in the interest of keeping SILUS safe, and improving our Services.
For example, your shop, event or blog listings  may have decreased visibility because they include terms that represent a prohibited item or service.

These listings may also be restricted from appearing on our site, or be taken down.
While these listings do have limited visibility, they are still discoverable in our search.

SILUS may make changes to the onboarding or authentication processes for Creators at our sole discretion.
Completion of these processes may be required for the Creator profile and account activation (or reactivation) or continued access and usage.

If SILUS has reason to believe you, your content, or your use of the Services violate our Terms, including this Creator’s Policy, we may deactivate your offerings to some or all users, or suspend or terminate your account (and any accounts SILUS determines is related to your account) and your access to our Services. 

Generally, SILUS will notify you that your Creator’s profile or account has been suspended or terminated, unless you’ve repeatedly violated our Terms (which we’ve notified you about already) or we have legal or regulatory reasons preventing us from notifying you.

SILUS isn’t liable for any situations that might arise due to the Creator not reading through this Creator Policy or all other Policies and Terms of Use linked on our website.
Being aware of our Policies and Terms of Use is a personal accountability and necessity of every Creator.

By creating a Creator’s profile with us (either on shop, events or blog page), the Creator has already agreed to this policy and our Terms of Use and thereby is held liable to all of its contents.






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