DISCLAIMER: SILUS Calendar is now available! Creators can add events and services, and customers can start buying tickets and booking events from 05.02.2024

poet, novelistpainter, crafterpoeet, teadmiste edastajaruumi hoidja, töötubade läbiviia, rituaalide korraldajamaalikunstnik, käsitöö looja

Hey, I'm De'Neris, a psychedelic painter and crafter.

Here in my sanctuary you’ll discover a diverse range of offerings designed to enrich your life and decorate your home.

Explore my psychedelic paintings, handmade crafts, locally sourced herbs and an assortment of different events and services to navigate your path and become your best Self in the process.

I hope you’ll see my shop as as a gateway to a decorative, creative and mystical world where art, knowledge and community converge.



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Where magic meets community:


    it's never a waste of time
    to say something good

    Send us your ideas and feedback

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    it's smart to
    ask questions

    Didn’t find what you were looking for? We are happy to answer all your questions!

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